Monday, November 29, 2010

At he cave and waterfall Pokhara- unexpected opportunities!

Wat started as a trip to a cave and waterfall with a guide who nagged us to use him as a guide as he has no job, turned out to be a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel!!
Jaco share the Evangicube - left is a small temple with idols

At the gate of the waterfall with our guide ( left)

Our guide at the falls ( right- can not see it)
Samara with the school girls who wanted a photo with her

The school children from west Nepal- they eagerly accepted the tracts 

A light in the dark cave- may Jesus be a light for this nation
Jesse with more school girls at the cave who came from a far off village and received tracts

Our family distributing tracts at the market

On the bus- Jaco shared the Evangicube with this man
We get ready to distribute the tracts

Jaco with some young men very interested in the Gospel

Our family at the market
On the bus we rode in 
Young men - we shared the Evangicube with them and they are interested in the Bible course

Pokhara- at the temple etc..........

These photos were taken at the temple on a little island where we distributed tracts, in the streets around our guest house and at our guest house.
The temple on the island with Samuel right-hundreds came to worship here
Women who came to worship and  asked us to take a photo and we gave them tracts
An old woman selling vegetables 

Our guest house ( left) we now pay only $16  a night for our 2  rooms!
Jesse and Samara in the garden
Samara with a little kid she caught herself

Visit the Leprosy hospital

 (This photos only for our friends view- may not be reproduced or copied)

Thankful woman with wit her hat from PEI

School at leprosy hospital with stationary from ICS on  PEI

thankful woman with her scarf

Woman working in the garden

Samara with a bunny on the leprosy farm
Buffalo being milked 

Rough training terrain for wheelchair users

Workshop where women produce pretty handcrafts 

Samara with the little goats on the farm

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Visit to Nepal Fellowship Office, school and hospital

Our visit to the  head office of INF Nepal . They need many workers - doctors,nurses,  teachers, entrepeneurs, farmer, fundraisers , personal  managers etc

The mission school for ages 4 to 11 years old

The classroom- they urgently need a preschool teacher  (either qualified or experienced) for May next year- anyone interested????

Inside one  classroom- mostly missionary kids and expatriate children come to this school

This is where we stay in Pokhara

The Nepal fellowship head office

Pokhara in pictures- very beautiful but unreached

This is Pokhara- very beautiful but also very much unreached.
Here you will see photos of the mountains, lake and people.

Tibetan refugee woman, they came in the 1950 ties and are Budhist who live in diffirent settlements
a cute little girl
Girls reading our tracts

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Jeep trip from Tansen to Pokhara 17 November

Hindus worshiping at a river
 This is our trip to Tansen over very high mountain passes and cliffs- this jeep above ( green one) is not ours but another one on the way- we saw a lot of jeeps like this with passengers on the roofs- this one was lightly loaded! We had a long traffic jam at a hindu festival at the river on the picture below- there we handed out lots of tracts.

Traffic jam !

A Bus on the way next to our jeep

people on jeep roof
Our jeep and driver

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tansen : in Pictures , Hiking trip and tracts

Photos of Tansen- We had the opportunity to hike up the mountain at Tansen- there are shrines and we came accross a group of teenagers and children- we could share with them and gave them tracts- they really listened!
Then we distributed tracts in the streets - children came running to aks for tracts.

Our kids and other MK's on the mountain

Teenagers and children on mountain with tracts
Shrine on mountain

hiking in Tansen
Marina and girsl dressed in Nepali clothes that a lady in Tansen made for them

tansen village houses

village life Tansen
children with tracts
Nepali food
More children with tracts