Sunday, November 14, 2010

Orphanage in Tansen - we hand out scarf and hats from PEI, Canada!

A house on the way  to the orphanage- look at all the corn being dried on the rail on the  roof- it looks pretty.
On Saturday afternoon we could go to the orphanage where children that comes to the hospital and who has no parents or no- one to take care of them are being transferred .We could play with them, give some attention to them , share the Gospel with them and could give them the beautiful scarfs and hats knitted by a 86 year old lady from Prince Edward Island and donated to us especially for orphan children in Nepal. They were so happy to get their own scarf and hat as they do not have a lot or clothes.Most of them comes from very hard living conditions and  emotional+ spiritual neglect.
Here they are obviously very happy!
But the orphanage urgently needs more volunteers and clothes for the children.

This is the boy who weighed only 5 kg ate age 7- because of him the orphanage was started- he followed Jaco around everywhere
The children wait for us at the orphanage door
The orphanage was build with funds from Australian Christians
They all have their winter hats and scarfs ( left : |Marina, Jesse and the hospital chaplain +his sons)
Marina ( left) hands out the scarfs and hats

Jaco shares the evangicube ( Gospel message) with the children - they all want to follow Jesus!

Samara want to adopt this little girl!Her legs was badly damaged in an accident and  she was taken care of by her little  sister before she came to the orphanage - they have  no parents. She is  a sweet little thing.

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